Accountability to the next generation(s).
It's good to see the increasing awareness and commitment toward sustainability and responsible business practices, especially in response to the climate crisis. After significant market studies, we have developed a Sustainability 5 Step model above. It is intended to provide a pathway to help larger organizations on their sustainability journey. It helps people to make sense of a business world that can feel quite overwhelming. It supports and drives alignment to ESG principles, PRI, (principles for responsible investing), UN SDGs (sustainable development goals) as well as customers and other stakeholder’s needs.
We leverage industry best practices as well as BVG’s competencies, and expertise. We use it to help Exec’s to find their path forward through a maze of uncertainty surrounding business responses to Climate Change.
It firstly demystifies everything and supports plan development all the way to a getting ready for Transformational Change which is scary to most.
Transformational Change is explained here:
During such a change, we help examine current business models, go to market strategies, service and support demands and the general ways of operating. This includes org design and strategic planning. Sometimes businesses are shocked into realizing they need to change in a hurry, or risk having reputational damage. Getting out of position in the market and losing market share is a real threat. Many businesses must transform their operating model quite significantly as a threat response.
Work of this nature is almost always difficult. We often refer to it as a journey through middle earth. This type of business system change management work, is a sweet spot for BVG and is where we do our best work.
The Data doesn’t lie
In our world, data drives everything.
The graph on temperature changes is consolidated reports from EU, UK, Japan and US agencies.
The graph on greenhouse gases is from NOAA - U.S. National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration.