Strategy, Execution, OKR’s
Our definition of Strategy is “the art and science of developing and executing plans or strategems toward the achievement of the highest level aims or goals of an organization, or to solve a pressing problem”.
A Stratagem can be considered as an artifice or trick in how to achieve a goal e.g., beat the competition.
Strategy differs from a company's Purpose, Vision, or Mission but great strategy is totally aligned with each of those components.
Strategy Planning results in medium to long-term plans that are linked to many if not all organizational functions. It also helps define measurable Objectives and Key Results (OKR’s) that enable progress to be measured.
Strategy applies to non-profit as well as for-profit organizations.
Companies have to regularly change strategy due to external or internal pressures, such as sustainability movement. BUSINESS VALUE GROUP understands this need and emphasizes that strategic planning becomes a continuous process for an organization to prepare for its future and respond to risks and opportunities. The best strategy informs the exact steps needed to implement its plan of action to achieve its goals. In this manner strategy planning becomes an embedded part of the company management system.
BUSINESS VALUE GROUP helps organizations plan, deploy, execute and improve the business strategy and OKRs.
A simplified view of how to link initiatives to OKR’s.
Improve your goals and metrics by testing them against the model above.
Schedule a call with us to learn more about our services.