An overview of some global pressures on businesses today. The sustainability movement is gathering momentum. This represents risks and opportunity.
This is a short video is from Mike Bloomberg who was Chair of the Financial Stability Board (formed after the global banking crisis of 2008). Recent work included the creation of disclosure standards to address Climate Related Risk to the financial community. In 2015 they released first iteration of financial disclosures guideline recommendation document known as TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) . In summer of 2023 these recommendations have now become fully adopted and integrated by ISSB (Intl Sustainability Stds Board).
This video clip explains what shifting from a linear economy to a circular economy means.
Hiring consultants is a big decision. Getting the fit right is always important. Chemistry and competence are the big elements of fit.
To explain how we work, we developed our 5D process explain in this video.