Everything connects with everything else, eventually.
Never has this been so devastatingly evident to business as it was during the COVID-19 global pandemic. We saw the fragility of supply chains, how everything connects and how interdependent everything is. This is also evident in the even larger global eco systems as is evidenced by the negative climate change events and challenges that are becoming more evident almost monthly.
We evaluate.
If your business needs help, BVG will perform a quick discovery and diagnosis. We use an holistic risk-based assessment approach. This then helps development of sustainable improvement plans to help you achieve your goals.
We connect.
BVG connects and builds hi trust relationships with key stakeholders. We leverage the knowledge and competence that resides within the business. We architect the path to an exciting vision and together we develop a plan for success.
We transform.
We have expertise in transformational change. It is not a buzz word to us. We work on the stubborn and complex challenges. With dogged persistence we work with our client as a team and often make structural changes to processes, systems, structures and ways of operating.
What we do
BUSINESS VALUE GROUP works to help develop or transform underperforming, struggling or growing businesses. Our team gets companies ready to boldly confront the risks and opportunities in the market. Using our 5 D Engagement model we work to position businesses to create sustainable value.
Our most valued success metrics are related to business performance, business valuation improvement and brand reputation. Being responsible and sustainable is becoming a non negotiable as part of that equation.
Problems we solve.
Our consultants often encounter these issues within organizations that block performance and sustainable value flow. Our approach, tools, and practice resolves these issues, quickly.
Insufficient understanding of the business fundamentals for today’s business environment.
Talent gaps and ineffective organizational structures.
Gaps in product-market fit, unit economics, sales strategy, and how to operate profitably and sustainably.
Cash flow forecasting and management.
Working hard but making slow progress or operating very inefficiently with lots of waste.
Poor teamwork, low trust and non-differentiating culture.
Internal groups not collaborating with each other. Operating in silos, and not leveraging the whole.
Confusion about core company identity (internally and externally)
Insufficient understanding of various risks and growth opportunities that exist.
Under estimation of Customer Acquisition Cost and lifetime value ratios.
Non-value adding complexity due to disparate or legacy systems, tools, processes.
Acquisitions not integrated or delivering expected value. Resulting in value destruction vs value creation.
Poor management systems, too many confusing goals, or misalignment within the company
Poor strategic planning and little ability to turn that strategy into results through effective execution.
Protected “sacred cows” colluding with non-committed leaders. (Politics not being addressed which demotivates many)
Poor appreciation of the organization’s development needs which diminishes people’s motivation and engagement.
Poor capability to have difficult conversations or manage conflict.
How we do it
We work with CEO’s, the entire C-level team as well as key contributors and teams. We identify and rapidly address the risks and challenges within the business that hinders the company performance.
We begin our engagements with a review of the business fundamentals and the economic model. This is conducted in the context of the WHOLE business system. BVG believes that there is little point in optimizing parts of the system if it does not make the system as a whole perform better.
Who we help
BUSINESS VALUE GROUP works with revenue-generating hardware and software businesses that:
Have demonstrable untapped value creation potential and
Are struggling with complex challenges and/or
Trying to breakthrough to their next level of business performance.
Are aware of the sustainability movement but not exactly sure how to address the risks and harvest the potential opportunities.